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Evolved People Give Without Agenda,
by Michael Bernard Beckwith, New Thought minister

Evolved people give to live until they live to give. As individuals expand their understanding of universal law, they learn to give in order to live a life of inner wealth. They understand that they live in an opulent universe that seeks instruments through which to give of its unconditional love, compassion, lovingkindness, and resources. This is a process of growing out of a mindset of getting something from the world to letting something from within you be freely given. Generosity takes you off living on the “me” plan or the “we four and no more” plan, so consider putting yourself on a giving program that provides evidence that you are a generative being, that your generosity is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic givingness of the Spirit. By the way, the word generousis from the Latin generosus, which is characterized by a noble spirit.


When I was a child and up until my teens, my grandmother and grandfather would visit my family. We always looked forward to their visits because we knew it meant that our beloved grandfather would slip us a silver dollar, which, by then, had become a collector’s item. His gift was always accompanied with a mini-sermon: “Michael, if the world were divided into two kinds of people—givers and takers—always rush to be on the side of the givers, and you will discover that the Big Man upstairs will always take care of you.” I speak from experience when I say he proved to be right, because the Spirit works through givers in ways beyond imagining.


Now when I suggest that you become more giving, I’m not talking about selling your house and giving away all your money. No. I’m describing a way to move from selfishness to selflessness. Before you begin your day, make it part of your spiritual strategy to ask yourself, “How can I give of myself today?” A few days of this practice and you will fall in love with giving, and universal law will respond by corresponding and give you even more to share with the world. Contemplate those ways in which you may share your time, energy, talents, skills, and financial resources with others. Then see how your heart becomes as wide as the world as you include your brothers and sisters on the planet in your good. In other words, you are now living to give.



from the book, Spiritual Liberation, by Michael Bernard Beckwith

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